The Isis Fashion Awards (powered by Cyrus) will be held in 8 May 2025 in Amsterdam in De Koning. The Isis Fashion Awards is an international fashion competition that is organized in the Netherlands. During the competition accessory designers showcase their designs on the catwalk in front of an audience and jury. Prizes are then awarded to the top three fashion designers. Former judges include Patricia Paay, Regilio Tuur, Maureen Powel, Carolien Ter Linden and Maik de Boer.
The “Underdogs”
The Isis Fashion Awards is the first fashion show in the Netherlands exclusively focused on accessories. Accessory designers are the “underdogs” in the fashion industry. Often all the attention and fame go to the clothing designers. Many accessory designers feel undervalued and “overlooked”, but with our IFA we provide a unique platform for accessory designers.
The Isis Fashion Awards has a strong emphasis on discovering and encouraging talent, supporting visionary designers and their ideas. During IFA designers are able to showcase 12 types of fashion items: shoes, bags, glasses, jewelry, watches, stockings, socks, gloves, scarves, belts, hats and masks.
IFA consists of red-carpet interviews, fashion shows and an award ceremony. The IFA next will be held in 2025 in the Netherlands. Designers can sign-up here to participate. REGISTER
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